Questions and answers
Q. Should I send an email to someone so they have my correct email address?
A. YES!!! Send an email to so we can keep you updated with all the latest
Q. When will the reunion be held?
A. Saturday August 9th 2014. There will also be an informal gathering on the 8th.
Q. Where will it be held?
A. Orchard Hills Golf & Country Club
Q. How much will it cost?
A. $20 - IN ADVANCE We will now take money at the door!
Q. What's the deal with Friday night?
A. Friday night is an informal gathering at the Chinese Garden. Saturday is the MAIN event so if you can only make one
please choose Saturday. Other classes have had a Friday event and reccomended it to us.
Q. Why do I have to pay in advance?
A. We need an accurate accounting of the number of people attending so enough food can be ordered and enough money is
collected to pay for the room rental.
Q. What do I do if I have a question?
A. Email The mailbox is not checked everyday but we'll get back to you ASAP.
Q. I'd really like to go but don't want to commit too far in advance, what should I do?
A. We tried to keep the cost down so people would feel better about planning ahead. Depending on how many plan on
coming and paying in advance there may be a pay at the door option - but - it will cost more.
Q. I'd like to help. How do I do that?
A. Send an email to detailing your interest.
Q. Some of our classmates don't have email. How will they be told about the reunion?
A. Snail mail, word of mouth etc. If you know a classmate without email let them know. We want to be
sure everyone is notified, (if possible) As we figure out who doesn't know we will decide on what to do.
Q. How often will this website be updated?
A. Only as often as new information is available. A group email will go out whenever important
information is added directing you to this website. (Date confirmed, location confirmed etc...)
Q. Will reunion information be posted anywhere else?
A. At this time this website is the only "official" place for information. Although information may
appear elsewhere like Facebook and Twitter, come here for the final word.